Bleeding Disorders


Hemophilia is characterized by abnormal bleeding and is associated with the body’s inability to make clots. An inherited condition, hemophilia is usually found to be common in males.

Hemophilia is of two types. Deficiency of clotting factors result in these two subtypes:

  • Hemophilia A is the most common form of hemophilia and is caused by the deficiency of blood clotting protein VIII
  • Hemophilia B is caused by the lack of blood clotting protein IX

Being diagnosed with such a condition requires extra caution:

  • Patients should sign up for physiotherapy
  • Engage in swimming and other physical exercises
  • Participate in programs for pain management
  • Maintain dental health

Normally diagnosed at birth, uncontrollable bleeding and family history of the disease indicate the presence of the condition. Blood samples taken from the umbilical cord will help doctors identify if any newborns will have the condition.

Hemophilia exists on a spectrum; some individuals may show mild symptoms. But sudden bleeding episodes in children and adults should be taken seriously and taken to the doctor.
To get to the bottom of the problem, doctors will test your blood’s clotting ability. A test called factor assay will be administered for further analysis and will determine the type of hemophilia.

The severity of the condition will depend on the following ranges:

  • Mild hemophilia: clotting factor levels range from 5% to 40% of normal.
  • Moderate hemophilia: 1% to 5% of the normal clotting factor level
  • Severe hemophilia: Less than 1% of the normal clotting factor level

Von Willebrand Disease

Like hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the body’s inability to form clots. But both men and women can have the condition. Low levels of Von Willebrand factor (VWF) cause this bleeding disorder.

  • Large bruises from minor injuries
  • Routine hard-to-stop nose bleeds
  • Blood in your faeces or urine (from internal bleeding)
  • After a cut, an accident, or a minor medical operation, there is a lot of bleeding.
  • Bleeding for a long period of time after major surgery
  • Heavy or long menstrual periods

The doctor will first start with a detailed medical history if he thinks you have the condition. As VWD is inherited, the doctor will make connections between your family medical history and other typical symptoms.

This will be followed by a clotting test; the test will determine two things: First, can your blood form a clot? secondly, how long it takes. Other blood tests like antigen tests may also be administered to figure out the amount of VWF in your blood plasma.

Stress and exercise can disrupt the levels of VWF. That’s why going through the test more than once is important.

Von Willebrand disease is inherited. Couples with a family history of the condition must undergo genetic counseling before planning for children. It is important to remember that the disease may be dormant even in the presence of defective genes.

Patients are our number one priority. We are committed to their health and wellbeing. It is this dedication that guides us to give our very best, and our multidisciplinary team of trained professionals work together to ensure quality care. If you’re showing any symptoms of Bleeding Disorders listed above, consult the team of experts at Haemato Oncology Care Centre (HOCC) without any delay.

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